ayahuasca, emotional healing, healing, medicine journey, Mother Aya, purging, shamans, Wisdom of the Vine
Ayahuasca is a brew made of a mix of two parts of leaves and vines found in the amazon jungle. Drinking the brew helps to open a portal into a world where you get to see what the purpose of having gone through the things you’ve gone through in your life has been for. For many, taking the medicine changes their lives completely. They get to have a new perspective on the way things have been. When you read this article you’ll see how I was shown a new perspective on why my life has been the way it has been. For me, taking the Ayahuasca medicine has been very healing. I invite you into my personal world when you read this article. I hope that the authenticity you see here encourages you to take your own medicine journey. I commence my account from just prior to starting the medicine journey that I was about to go on.