Adam and Eve, alchemy, Alchemy-Daath-Tantra, buddha, Jesus, kabbalah, Moses, mysteries, Padmasambhava, sacred sexuality, Samael Aun Weor, tantra, Temptation, the Dalai Lama, The serpent
“The Universal Experience of Suffering and its Universal Remedy; The Secret Teachings of Jesus and Moses; The Tree of Life: Kabbalah; The Tree of Knowledge: Alchemy-Daath-Tantra; The Duality of the Serpent: Kundalini and Kundabuffer. Temptation. The serpent. The expulsion from Paradise. Archetypal stories that have moved millions of human beings: but who has understood their real meaning? Theories abound, but humanity remains suffering in the wilderness. Now, the esoteric doctrine upon which all of the world’s great religions are grounded is revealed. Behold the Great Arcanum: the tremendous secret fiercely protected for centuries. Behold the true heart of all great religions and mystical traditions: the path of the razor’s edge, the exact science to awaken the consciousness and free the soul from suffering. Continue reading