Crystal children, Frank Pizzoferrato, human angels, Indigo children, Jesus, Kali, Kalki, Mary Magdalene, Merlin, Shiva, Star Seed Children, Vishnu
In my previous article I wrote about Mary Magdalene and how she played a major part in the creation of souls during the incarnation she had in Egypt, where she was one of the sacred temple goddesses – one who took part in the ceremonies of Isis.
The Gods and Goddesses who are part of the group that created this planet, and who rule in the inner worlds have always been here in one form or another. They incarnate at different times to bring forth souls who will counter the negativity that often wants to swamp the planet and drag us into self-hatred and self-destruction.
They incarnated during the time of Merlin, and they incarnated just recently. I say incarnated rather than re-incarnated, because these souls know past, present and future lives at the time of their incarnation. They are often too large and powerful just to incarnate into the one body, however, they usually will be represented by one main speaker who leads and teaches the mysteries on their own. The rest go about their lives more quietly, while still having a dramatic impact upon the lives of those around them.
The man who came to destroy the ghouls was an incarnation of Vishnu, who had previously appeared as Merlin and prior to that was Jesus. His partner, who has always incarnated with him whenever he has been on earth, incarnated here recently as well. Together they gave birth in the spirit dimensions to the souls of the people who are the Indigos. Those people are now marrying and having children of their own, and the children of the Indigos are known as Crystals.
My friend Frank Pizzoferrato has written what he knows of these children. I quote him here:
“The future belongs to our star-seed children: they can sense the Aliveness and the planet needs role models in creating others to become alive. The old matrix is dying and will eventually self destruct.
The star-seed children have been born with new codes of consciousness: they can see, feel, taste, hear and enter hyperspace holographic dimensions without the use of substance.
They have entered the planet to create a new dawning to free humanity, bring freshness to an old worn out consciousness. They know and see things more than old folks give them credit for.
The star-seed children know that discoveries happen with an open mind, and in an open heart. They can sense frequencies morphing in and out of view.
Its surreal to them, there is no second guessing, they can bend reality, view holographic dimensions as misty, wavy, soapy, light fluid transparency. They know the discoveries are within the receptivity of an Open Anahata.
~So here’s a tip~
When you stop chasing and pushing the wrong things you give the right things a chance to pull towards you and catch up into your direction.
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
But before you can begin this process of transformation you have to stop doing the things that have been holding you back and one them is “Stop spending time with the Wrong people”.
Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the organic life-force juices of happiness out of you.
You need freshness, aliveness, invigorating life-force organic juices around you, and not thick stale dead beats around you.
Make room for less intentions and expectations and witness your own magical mystical jewels emerge from within you.
If someone wants you in their life, they’ll make room for you. Never subjugate your Self Worth to anyone.
True friendships and wholesome realistic facilitators, is when Love Consciousness members stand by your side when you’re at your worst and allow you to heal ancient pain, they become your true friends and supportive healing teacher.”
(end of quote. click here to go to the original post)
If you sense that you are an Indigo or a Crystal, then you are one of the star-seed children that Frank talks about in the quote above. It’s very important that you protect your Light from the takers of this world. You have come from a Divine heritage, and you must protect your gifts and learn to develop them so that your light can shine brightly and help create a new resonance on this beautiful planet we call earth.
You have many brothers and sisters all over the planet, and you will be drawn to find one another because it is your destiny to do so. Never feel that you are alone, because you are constantly being loved, watched and protected, and Divinely guided.
Go forth and become all that you can be. Namaste.
This is an interesting perspective that I haven’t considered before. The Egyptians had a very potent system of accessing the inner worlds. I look forward to reading more of your posts on this. Also, how can one protect their light from the energy takers of the world?
Hello Warrior Soul (yes, I looked up the meaning of your avatar), protecting our light starts with setting boundaries and not letting others walk all over us. To be able to do that, one must have self-love and self-respect prior to even thinking about how to protect his or her light. So the very most basic requirements of protecting our light would be to work on developing those two aspects of a healthy and balanced self.
If we aren’t assertive, we would need to develop assertiveness. Then, trusting our intuition about people, and avoiding those whom we can feel ”pull” on our energy (or if unable to avoid them, limiting our time spent with them). It also would require knowing how to recognise someone who is wearing a mask and who is not being their authentic self. Some study of human psychology would be required for that. However, using the most natural of our instincts – our intuition – we should be able to retrieve enough information about a person to warn us of who we might be dealing with.
Good natured, generous souls need to be very careful not to give their light away. Although I’m not a fundamentalist Christian, there’s a very good verse in Matthew Chapter 7 verse 6, spoken by Jesus when he gave the Sermon on the Mount: “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.” In this verse he was talking about protecting that aspect of ourselves that is our strongest and most Light filled part.
We might be very kind and loving, and people will take advantage of that. We might be very generous, and people might take advantage of that. We might be highly skilled at some art or craft or career, and people might try to take advantage of that. We might be inventive, and people might try to take advantage of our ability to create…. It’s about protecting that which are our strengths. Sure, share these aspects of ourselves, but only with those who won’t rob you of all your energy, and only when there’s an equal return, or a conscious decision to give that part of yourself away.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really needed to hear that. I’m in transition right now and I haven’t been honoring myself in the ways I’ve been choosing to heal. I just got out of a two year relationship and recently left a very draining work environment so these words of strength and wisdom is just what I needed to hear. You’ve got my avatar right on the money but lately I haven’t been living up to it. Thank you for your strong advice. It seems like you know me so well lol
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” If only the people of the world could see such simple truths. It seems as if a mirrored veil has been drawn over the conciousness of todays people making them see this in reverse. Our people need to quote this upon rising everyday. I thank you for making an effort to share to share some words of guidance. I read through many posts on here and find such garbage and jibberish abound. But I’ve enjoyed many of your posts for their grasp of truth and honesty. Keep speaking even if few listen. Someone has heard you!
Thank you Rain. I am touched. I have been reading your blog too, and I see a depth not found in many men today….. at least, not willingly expressed by them.
It’s good to have connected with you. Namaste <3
In 1993 there were three conjunctions between the planets Neptune and Uranus a celestial event that only happens every 170 years or so, in mythological or spiritual terms these two planets might correspond or symbolize the characteristics of “Indigos and Crystals” Uranus has been likened in manifestation to the titan friend of humanity Prometheus, who stole the fire or spirit of the gods releasing man from the primordial darkness, when combined with the planet of transformation or Maya one can begin to compare this new soul group to the last planetary conjunction that coincided with the poetic genius of Byron Shelley and the divine john Keats……Perhaps the masters or the arch angels have returned at last to remove the scales from our eyes……for those who have ears to hear…….darling magdalene
Yes, as far as I know they have. Hebrews chapter thirteen verses one and two: “Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
Planetary conjunctions are just part of the big picture though…… a worthy part nevertheless, but only a part.
We are the cosmos, when time has served its usefulness spirit alone will remain