birth certificate, bond, funds to run the country, live birthing certificate, stock exchange, strawman, trading
Birth Certificate and Bond
I finally understand why it’s futile for those in the freeman movement to go chasing after access to the money in their Bond.
Firstly, let me explain what the Bond is and how it is created. At the time of our birth, if you are born in a hospital where registered nurses work, a Live Birthing Certificate is filled out by one of those nurses. The Live Birthing Certificate is written in the registered nurse’s own handwriting (which is important) on Bond paper – or what is known as parchment – and sent off to the office that collects them. Then, a Birth Certificate is sent back to the parents of the new child to recognise the registration of birth. If you have just registered the birth of your own child, did you notice that the form that you receive has your name, your spouse’s name and your new child’s name each typed in all capital letters? This is because that document shows that a Bond has been taken out on your child’s birth and that he or she is now deemed as a part share in the government of your country’s assets. Your child’s identity now has a Strawman. You’ll notice that you do too (your name being typed all in upper case).
When a Bond is established using the name given to you by your parents, an amount of money is deposited into that Bond by the government, and then skilled traders take that Bond and trade daily with it on the various Stock Exchanges of the world. It’s not your money that is put into the Bond at the time when your birth is registered, so all profit and growth on the capital is due to those who do the trading who get paid to do what they do. Therefore, all capital and profit belongs to those who put the original amount of money into your Bond in the first place. You don’t trade the Bond or contribute any skills to make the money grow, nor do you assist in any way to increase the value of the Bond. You don’t do a thing at all, except lend your name to the Bond. Other people set up the Bond, fund it, trade it and make it profitable, therefore they are entitled to decide how to use the money that gets accumulated in that Bond. It is not our choice to make. It is not our right to have personal access to that money either, although we do get a benefit from it, believe it or not.
There are rumours in the Freeman movement that we can attain access to our Bonds, but I sense that this rumour is disinformation. The rumour has caused many people to go on a wild goose chase trying to get access to their Bond money, because chasing access to that money is rather futile and leads to a lifetime of frustration and misery. There are people who believe that they should be entitled to have access to those funds, however, with my new understanding of how it all works, I ask the question why? Why should we be entitled to those funds when we didn’t contribute to them in any way? It wasn’t our money that originally funded them, it wasn’t our skill that increased the amount in the Bond through trading, so why should we be able to access those funds?
Most people don’t realise that it is the money in our Bond that helps run the country that we were born into. It is the money in our Bond that covers our social security payments, our government retirement pension, and in Australia it also covers our Medicare fund. It is the money in our Bond that helps builds roads and hospitals and education facilities, not our taxes. Our taxes get paid directly to the Federal Reserve Banks and the Reserve Banks around the world, so it isn’t our taxes that run our countries – it is the money in our Bonds. Why do you think that the Government offers an incentive to have children by paying out $5000 for each new child born? It’s because each time a child is born, another Bond is created that helps to fund the country. Essentially, another asset is created.
Did you know that the Bond for a male is worth approximately 70 million dollars, and the one for a female is worth 40 million dollars. Good incentive for the Government to offer a payout if you have kids hey.
The question to ask yourself when you feel that it isn’t fair that you don’t have access to your Bond is, “how else would I pay for my fair share of all those community expenses if there wasn’t a Bond for the country’s financial managers to draw upon?”
I think that we should all stop being so ungrateful and realise that as much as there are evil leaders out there, there is still alot of good being done in the world that benefits us.
It is our birth that has enabled this ‘bond’ to be set up in the first place. We didn’t ask for our birth ‘bond! To be traded and treated like a a commodity. Why shouldn’t citizens be entitled to some of these funds. Then less government ‘spending ‘ would be needed and people would be able to look after themselves and their families as they see fit. And decisions not made tre government that WE elected anyway. It’s a form of human trading that people aren’t even aware of!!
I’m completely behind you, Eva. I agree. Like there wouldn’t be any bonds or trading if it weren’t for us! We are just monetary assets. “$70 million for males and $40 million for females”??? Are you serious? Like what is that? Are we a special breed of pack mules?? We have a price tag!! We should and need to be able to have access to OUR funds. And NOT through a $1,300/month social security check or income taxes. Ridiculous how the governments have you guys so deep in a trance that y’all are blind to what’s going on. We are branded. Don’t you see? We belong to them. We are freaking property!! That is not cool. And we basically give our OWN children to them once our children are born. That is equivalent to signing away your parental rights. I will say that you do have some valuable information here, but you’re portraying it to that of a trained messenger. Just what they want. For us to be discouraged from learning the truth and wanting to know more. Thanks for the info, though. Smh.
The way I see it its our money to live off.This sounds like slavery, I thought taxes paid for roads & hospital’s ect. This is not a free world & $5000 isn’t going to go far as jobs are disappearing yet the population keeps growing. How many jobs are created vs how school leavers? The system is so corrupt but we put up with it because we don’t like change? I do not believe we are the most intelligent beings on this planet.
Well said spot on I agree totally what your saying is right we are human not a bargaining tool isn’t this similar to slavery in some way
Well said spot on I agree totally what your saying is right we are human not a bargaining tool isn’t this similar to slavery in some way
not agreeing to this… They missuse the birth certificate to steal ppl homes money & life in the end. Ppl arent a comodoty… 99% of all riches belong to a bunch of old aristocrat familys. AND WHY IS THIS BLUE!?!??! cant see my own writing… anyway, socialism is a sickness & it will damage ppl growing up. RFID chip next… This was BS and the same ppl that are behind 911 mkultra 2 pedo madness are behind this scam too!
Did the government disclose this to the parents of any living people before having these birth certificates to exist. They are using the people as commodity. How many citizens would agree to this without requesting some form of payment. Since this all started how many trillions was made of the people. Yes the people have a right to their own money the wealthiest people in the world are using it why can’t we. If your bond is being traded even internationally those people do not deserve any entitlement to U.S. born citizens. And there should be no freaking deficit it belongs to the people.
At our birth the government and bankers assess a value to our lives. The government is able to get money and the banker gets an instrument that essentially guarantees they will be paid back once we are working citizens who pay taxes. The bankers take that debt instrument and make money out of thin are using fractional reserve banking. So, everyone is getting rich from promising a portion of every child’s future earnings without consent. Then all of the people spend their lives working like mules to pay a debt created by the government without their consent. Uh, yes the people deserve to be paid. However, if the government paid the people there will be less workers. I’m sure that is not what they want
what is the first step in redemption? no one has laid the steps at all.
The government doesn’t put money up for bonds. Our action of birth is borrowed on which creates the bond.
I have questions, If you emmigrate to another country does your birth bond follow you to your new country. Who puts the money if for these birth bonds is it the government? What happens when your birth bond runs out ie you are over the age where you are no longer able to work?
well said eva now let me add a few things , firstly the so called gov isnt a gov its a corperation and registered in the states ,what dou think the aussie dollar is worth since it being a fiat currency …..zilch …nothing …tipota… the us is bankrupt since 1933 meaning so are we down under the socalled gov has sold us down f$#ken river with no padel. But its ok you say to use our company issue name to incurr more debt keep us in a statuatary world corporate bullshit in a sea of maritime law due to allthe treaties AUSTRALIA has signed with the usa and the good old UN one world order crap .The banks are running the world including australia if people want to know the truth .search these titles UNIDROIT .STRAWMAN REDEMPTION ,MODERN MOMEY MECHANICS HOW MONEY IS CREATED, PS sorry my gframmar as i left schhol very young , one more thing please watch SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS .
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Thank you,spca4v@gmail.com
I spent 10 years in federal institutions. I’ve have only seen two prisoners actually leave and be released before their sentencing commitment was up. These men with my help were able to access their bond through Fidelity investments and take back control of their securities.. There’s a tremendous complex amount of information that one has to understand to get this far. I do not see anybody in this blog knowledgeable enough to even begin the process.
When ever anyone uses another person name or social security number for monetary purposes all parties involved, no matter how small the initial investment was or is , all parties are supposed to be compensated. That’s a law. These words r not verbatim from the law.
I intend to claim back the money that has been made from my Bond created in my name without my permission. I will start by writing to my MP who happens to be the Attorney General but can you give me any idea of how to word my email for maximum impact because I have no intention of letting this go. Thank you.
i wouldlike to know what the procedure of using the bond we didn’t asfo
where does the governmeny pay $5,000 per child i have three children and the only thing they paid me was no mind.
How can we claim our birth certificate bond? I have know about this and it is so wrong the government owes us loads