Posted by eaglelady888 | Filed under Fully Actuated Human, Inspirational Images, Lies from Leaders, Media Mind Control, Political Leaders, The Matrix of Control
A Nation of Sheep
02 Thursday Jul 2015
02 Thursday Jul 2015
Posted by eaglelady888 | Filed under Fully Actuated Human, Inspirational Images, Lies from Leaders, Media Mind Control, Political Leaders, The Matrix of Control
30 Monday Mar 2015
Posted Lies from Leaders, Political Leaders, Shadow
in02 Sunday Nov 2014
“I did not have sex with that woman!” Bill Clinton prior to the DNA tests done on Monica Lewinsky’s dress.
Posted by eaglelady888 | Filed under Humour, Lies from Leaders, Political Leaders
09 Thursday Oct 2014
evolution, heart of god, Heliofant, humanity's awakening, I pet goat II, Louis Lefebvre, pure consciousness, symbolism
The analysis of this clip and the information below is gathered and merged from several sources, and has additional information added by eaglelady888
HeliOfant video – I, Pet Goat II
My initial impression when I saw the name of the company that created this video was that it was a reference to the tarot card called The Heirophant. My guess is that the artist/company director has chosen this name because it combines a reference to the Sun (which was worshipped as the source of all light and wisdom in ages past) and it alludes to the wisdom of the Heirophant.
When looking at who is the Heirophant, “in non-Western cultures (Native American, Siberian) the Hierophant retains the role as spiritual guide, wearing here the mask of a shaman who is also the teacher of holy things. In Native America, the mythological association is with the Coyote or Trickster God, one who is a teacher, a benefactor for the spiritual student, but who is often playful or mischievous.”(wikipedia) From my personal understanding of who God is, that definition couldn’t be more close to the truth.
The word HeliOfant is broken down into parts to mean the following: Continue reading
27 Sunday Jul 2014
Muammar Gadaffi, peaceful democracy, people's committees, popular congresses, The Green Book by Gadaffi
This article contains the complete text of THE GREEN BOOK (Part One) by Mu`ammar al-Qadhafi. (known as Gadaffi in the West)
This translation was published by the Public Establishment for Publishing, Advertising and Distribution in Tripoli, Libya. Continue reading