Faith, healing, Hope, Integration, Love, Restoration, spirituality, Transformation
A great awakening is happening throughout humanity this last 50 years. Millions of people are waking up to the fact that we are not just our physical bodies: we are a spiritual being having a human experience. From the early 1940s onwards, a group of souls incarnated on this planet to help rescue the world from where it was headed. Those souls were the predecessors to the Indigo Children. They were literally the soul parents of the children who would later crowd into the planet in a great wave of births in the seventies and eighties. The children born at that time came to push back against the suppression of those whose agenda it was to enslave us all. They were souls who knew that they didn’t answer to anyone, and that the people who were in power on earth did not have authority over them and their lives. Those souls knew that they were sovereign and answered to no man who sought to oppress them… they only answered to their Maker, to themselves, and as long as they harmed nobody, to no-one else. Continue reading