I am prompted to write this article due to a situation where I experienced a lack of respect when first meeting another attendee at a local church luncheon. This type of behaviour is what first prompted me to leave the Church in my late teens, and is the main reason why I stay away from Churches these days.
Now, I’m not what Christians would call a Christian, nor do I want to be. Essentially I’m a Wilde Fringe-dweller, one whose spiritual beliefs were taught to me by Stuart Wilde. I have a close relationship with the Christ because on a spiritual level Stuart Wilde is the child spoken of in the Book of Revelations, and I am a long-time (27 years) loyal student of his, therefore his Grace is granted to me because of that. So yes, even though it’s not what mainstream Christians perceive as having a relationship with Jesus, I do in fact have a relationship with Jesus. Continue reading