Posted by eaglelady888 | Filed under Fully Actuated Human, Inspirational Images, Lies from Leaders, Media Mind Control, Political Leaders, The Matrix of Control
A Nation of Sheep
02 Thursday Jul 2015
02 Thursday Jul 2015
Posted by eaglelady888 | Filed under Fully Actuated Human, Inspirational Images, Lies from Leaders, Media Mind Control, Political Leaders, The Matrix of Control
26 Sunday Apr 2015
I am always surprised by people’s dismissal of the fact that when a psychic can see into other people’s lives, he or she can also see into the workings of larger groups such as media, corporations, governments, bankers and banking systems. I’m forever being mocked as a conspiracy theorist, however, here’s something for the skeptics to consider. Continue reading
Posted by eaglelady888 | Filed under Conspiracy Theories, Fully Actuated Human, The Process of Awakening
22 Saturday Nov 2014
andrew bartzis, breaking hidden contracts, contract removal, reclaiming our divinity, reclaiming our sovereigntry
This is the nature of our existence here on planet earth….. unless, of course, you cancel your agreements on a spiritual level with those institutions and governments that have power over you. True sovereigntry begins firstly, in the mind, and secondly, it is achieved by cancelling the spiritual contracts that you made prior to being born.
We didn’t always know about these contracts, because sometimes they were slipped in without us knowing. Andrew Bartzis has created a series of affirmations to say to yourself so that you can break any unconscious agreements that keep you locked into being a slave to the current systems. Say them aloud regularly until all residual effects of whatever contracts you have made are gone. I have copied and pasted them below: Continue reading
09 Thursday Oct 2014
evolution, heart of god, Heliofant, humanity's awakening, I pet goat II, Louis Lefebvre, pure consciousness, symbolism
The analysis of this clip and the information below is gathered and merged from several sources, and has additional information added by eaglelady888
HeliOfant video – I, Pet Goat II
My initial impression when I saw the name of the company that created this video was that it was a reference to the tarot card called The Heirophant. My guess is that the artist/company director has chosen this name because it combines a reference to the Sun (which was worshipped as the source of all light and wisdom in ages past) and it alludes to the wisdom of the Heirophant.
When looking at who is the Heirophant, “in non-Western cultures (Native American, Siberian) the Hierophant retains the role as spiritual guide, wearing here the mask of a shaman who is also the teacher of holy things. In Native America, the mythological association is with the Coyote or Trickster God, one who is a teacher, a benefactor for the spiritual student, but who is often playful or mischievous.”(wikipedia) From my personal understanding of who God is, that definition couldn’t be more close to the truth.
The word HeliOfant is broken down into parts to mean the following: Continue reading
06 Wednesday Aug 2014
30 Wednesday Jul 2014
Posted Esoteric, Fully Actuated Human, Metaphysical, Spirituality, Telepathy
alain aspect, albert einstein, cosmic energy, david bohm, energy systems, hologram, holographic, pibram, zucarelli
(author unknown)
In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. You did not hear about it on the evening news. In fact, unless you are in the habit of reading scientific journals you probably have never even heard Aspect’s name, though there are some who believe his discovery may change the face of science. Continue reading
14 Monday Jul 2014
Posted Fully Actuated Human
how slavery begins, mental imprisonment, slavery and the eight veils, the truth of our existence
by Don Harkins
Over the last several years I have evolved and discarded several theories in an attempt to explain why it is that most people cannot see truth — even when it smacks them in the face. Those of us who can see “the conspiracy” have participated in countless conversations amongst ourselves that address the frustration of most peoples’ inability to comprehend the extremely well-documented arguments which we use to describe the process of our collective enslavement and exploitation. The most common explanation to be arrived at is that most people just “don’t want to see” what is really going on. Continue reading
18 Wednesday Jun 2014
To the seasoned traveler of the stars, a race who lives daily with access to a universe’s library of information without ever making use of it is more primitive than a race who has yet to discover fire. So simple a thing, the discovery of fire, yet so immense, so revolutionary the changes it brings. So simple a thing, the discovery of God… Continue reading