energetic dynamics, female sexuality, human sexuality, keeping sex sacred, sex and love, Stuart Wilde, Teal Scott, Teal Swan, the advanced soul's journey, the energetic dynamics of human sexuality
The following article has been put together from comments that I made under Teal’s video when I watched it a while back:
In the video above, Teal Swan talks about Sex, Love and Tantra. She mentions that humans come from apes, however, this idea that we are part primate is incorrect. Humans and apes don’t have the same number of chromosomes, so therefore it would be impossible for us to have evolved from apes. Humans stepped in from another dimension. There is no link between humans and primates. In the celestial dimensions we have one partner, not many. For Teal to be encouraging people to have multiple partners is simply her trying to make herself right, not in anyone else’s eyes, but in her own. I can assure the reader that multiple partners do not empower a woman. Multiple partners enforce a shallow connection and lack of self-worth. Men and women are very different, as I mentioned in my previous article. They are hormonally wired differently. Women are wired to want one partner so that they can create a family. Men are hormonally wired to mate with many, but emotionally, they are still looking for a similar connection to the love and nurture that they received from their mother. In the video above Teal is talking about a very ordinary, base, carnal view of relationships and sexual encounters. She isn’t talking about the advanced soul’s journey. Continue reading