gnostic gospels, Jesus, Jesus's love for Mary, mary and jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mary Magdalene disciple of Christ, mary magdelene, pistis sophia
Posted by eaglelady888 | Filed under Esoteric, Gnostic Christianity, Religion, Spirituality
28 Monday Jul 2014
gnostic gospels, Jesus, Jesus's love for Mary, mary and jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mary Magdalene disciple of Christ, mary magdelene, pistis sophia
Posted by eaglelady888 | Filed under Esoteric, Gnostic Christianity, Religion, Spirituality
20 Friday Jun 2014
Posted Esoteric, Female Sexuality, Gnostic Christianity, Historical Women
Crystal children, Frank Pizzoferrato, human angels, Indigo children, Jesus, Kali, Kalki, Mary Magdalene, Merlin, Shiva, Star Seed Children, Vishnu
In my previous article I wrote about Mary Magdalene and how she played a major part in the creation of souls during the incarnation she had in Egypt, where she was one of the sacred temple goddesses – one who took part in the ceremonies of Isis. Continue reading
17 Tuesday Jun 2014
Posted Female Sexuality, Historical Women, Metaphysical, Spirituality
Celtic Sex Magic, creating souls, Indigo children, Isis, Jesus, Ley Lines, Mary Magdalene, mary magdalene jesus's most loved disciple, mary magdalene most loved disciple, raising consciousiness, sacred sexuality
Mary and Jesus knew each other well. After all, it wasn’t the first time they’d found one another again. You see, Mary Magdalene had previously incarnated at earlier lives and times, one of which she lived in Egypt and was an active participant in the ceremonies of Isis. This spiritual group held ceremonies that used the power of sexual energy to create good on the planet.
09 Monday Jun 2014
Posted Esoteric, Gnostic Christianity, Historical Women, Spirituality
devotion, goddess in spirit, Jesus, leadership, loyalty, Mary Magdalene, setting a good example, spiritual woman, the power to change, unconditional love, women in history
by Sharron Rose
With the publication of Holy Blood, Holy Grail in the mid-nineties and the Gnostic Gospels found in Nag Hammadi, a new perspective on the role of Mary Magdalene in the revelation and dissemination of the esoteric teachings of Christ has emerged onto the public stage. With the release of The Da Vinci Code, she has been placed firmly in the public consciousness, her story awakening both excitement and controversy. Continue reading