Anti-Christ, Book of Revelations, Christ, dark side, Jesus, Light side, lucifer, Mirror Worlds, shadow side, stored pain, taoism
The anti-Christ is the opposite of the Christ, thus he is called the anti-Christ. Yet the anti-Christ is not separate from the Christ, because they are one and the same Being. Let me explain.
We live in a physical world which is made of matter. There is a mirror world that is opposite to us (which people refer to as the spiritual dimensions, for the sake of simplicity), and which is made up of anti-matter. Each one of us has a mirror double in the spiritual dimensions, and that mirror double is our anti-matter self. It is our own anti-woman or anti-man. It is the part of us that is able to go into dimensions that we can’t normally access and it is the part of us that protects us when we need protection, because although we may not be willing to harm the various sources of evil that plague our lives as a means of self-protection, our mirror self is prepared to do that. It is our warrior half. Continue reading